Saturday, April 11, 2009

men like you are the reason i left finland

insyaAllah tomorrow (today la tu), i'm going to tampin for my fren's wedding
woohooo..xtau apsl tp aku adalah excited melampau
ok tipu la
excited xberapa melampau coz of several reasons

  1. ckin xdpt dtg coz she has to work tomorrow. darn u mr boss. i havent seen her for almost 6yrs already ok. why la all of a sudden u wanna take an emergency leave wutsoever and thus she has to work? isk. xpuas ati. (org len yg kene keje, aku yg xpuas ati. nasib baik petronas x amek aku bekerja dgn mereka)
  2. baju adalah longgar pada mula nya. spoil btul mood aku. when we send the baju to tailor, we expect them to take measurements and make the baju according to the measuments la kn? so why la akak suke suki besarkn bju tu akak oii? xkn la in just a week i shrink tht much so the baju appear mcm baju pinjam? ok, if u dont want to make the baju ketat2, fine. tell me tht u cant make it and i'll happily find a new tailor. no biggie. but now, looks what happened? luckily emak boleh alter but still aku adalah tak puas ati coz i send the baju to tailor and why in hell later on have to alter pulak. *sigh*. so i was thinking of not going but then a fren told me tht dosa if x pergi kenduri without reasonable reasons (baju x cukup ketat apparently not a reasonable reason).
  3. then at the very last minute i realised tht i didnt have a matching tudung. double darn. ok, still no biggie. can go free hair wut. but wtf goin free hair if ur hair is like sarang tebuan and adalah x secantik rmbut 'namaku nicole' dlm iklan shampoo clear kn. aku bertekad ingin melakukan sesuatu. soon.
  4. oh i've realised loooong ago tht i should buy a clutch. i've known for long tht shopping is also an investement. u might not require them at tht moment but surely u'll need them one fine day, no?i should have buy it when i had the opportunity to do so. i should follow the saying ' strike while the iron is hot'. i should but i didnt. now when dh pokai and cokia, sudah tidak berguna. nasi sudah menjadi bubur.
  5. kasut. aku nk beli kasut tp kasut bodo cap nose pon dh berharga rm100+. ape kejadah. kalo cap gempak2 xheran la jugak. xpe, recycle is good for mother earth. luckily aku x buang CnK before balik msia. aplikasikan la pepatah melayu 'tak ada pucuk bertuah, akar pon bguna juga'. (betul ke tu. mcm lain je bunyinya tp paham2 je la maksud dia k)
  6. so since ckin's not goin aku kena menaiki tren dan menunggu buss die stsn srdang sbb xkan la aku nk suh die amek aku kt sg buloh kemudian patah pulak ke tampin.2-3 kali kerja dan menyusahkn die pulak. dan xkn la nk menyuruh aku drve ke puchong dan park disana kerana obviously aku hanya tahu jln dr sg buloh-um dan dr um-sg buloh shj.)ok tipu, aku tau cmne nk ke jln tar n cokit. kes sllu anta mak ke cokit. ape yg best kt cokit aku pon xtau) nnt xpsl2, aku mkn lunch dkat kedai mamak berhampiran dan bukan nye memakan nasik mnyk kenduri kawen. tp mslhnye, mak pakai lawa2 nyah (lawa ke nyah?ohoks2), pstu nek tren. wt nye mak tsadung tgolek xkoyak kain cair mekap. oh noooo...byk nye musibah yg berlegar2 dlm pikiran. doa2 la aku selamat nek kete. and pls la jgn pns sgt kang basah keti xde mse la aku nk mndi kt rnr and tuka2 baju la plak. kejadah nye?
  7. oh, muke aku sedang dihiasi jerawat dengki (dengki sbb time aku nk pasan comel la ko nk kuarkn. time aku mls dan xkesah nmpk huduh ko xmo kuar). aku rse jerawat2 aku dh acquire immunity against oxy. anyone has a suggestion on a better zit cream?
  8. aku ada test selasa ni. discussion khamis dan jumaat. 1st paper is nxt week. esaimen msih ade yg x complete. bole kau nk bjimba jimbit time ni kama? bole2. lps2 ni kau mengucap la ye. tdak ada yg dpt mbantu kau disana.
ok cukup2 la tu
actually byk la lagi tp xpe la since dh plan dr februari ni
maklumla..setakat ni pergi wedding yg area kl so ni 1st time nk pergi wedding outside kl so aku adalah jakun sedikit (ok mungkin byk)
tp mungkin kne behave sedikit sbb maklumla..masing2 bwk henbeng
kang aku gelak nmpk anak ingt ada langsuir terlepas pulak karang
veri the kurang sopan la kn

oh yesterday the cls was canceled again (aku sepatutnye mengikut instinct ponteng aku sbb if aku rse nk ponteng tu better ponteng shj kerana msti kelas cancel tp smlm aku pura2 baik lalu pergi ke kelas dan mendapati kelas cancel sebaik sahaja aku lg beberapa tapak nk smpai ke kelas. sgt cinabeng)
so some of my frens were hungry (including aku la tu)
dan mula2 masing2 adalah bsemangat nk stdy, wt esaimen etc p last2 sume ke mdvl memakan kfc dan menonton cerita shopaholics
kami adalah sekumpulan kanak2 ribena yg sgt la poyo rajen tp semangat perjolian amat menebal dan akhirnya berjaya menguasai diri

my verdict on shopaholics : 8/10

why 8/10?
sebab sekejap sgt
apsl x buat cte smpai 8jam cover the whole books
ni cramp everything in 1 movie yg x smpai 2hours (ke sampai? aku x psti pulak duration die)
and at first aku adalah xsuka pd main character, mcm x sesuai p last2 ok la
n is tht really luke brandon? mcm x sesuai weh org tu ngn character luke yg dlm buku
i picture luke to be someone who is stylish (ok, he knew prada. so atleast he's a fashion concern) and successful
aku xingt la pulak dlm buku die start from bwh
bukan start2 memang die dh ade kt brandon communication ke?
ok xpe la..since his hair and his accent, delicious? (auww.. gatal ko ye) bole la kot.
besides, he' baik kot and not influenced by the wealth and kefamousan of his mother and somewhat down-to-earth, aku lg suka kt ko. (dlm buku xde pon mcm ckp die ni somewhat down-to-earth. ke aku yg terlupa?)
but what's with tarkie and suze?
tarkie..he's not so geeky la. and suze..knapa rambut ko x blonde? aku ingt ko blonde.
(memandai je kn aku. dlm buku xde pon tulis si suze rmbut blonde)
but alicia bitch long legs..hahaha..aku x suke ko

anyhoo..the movie was good
everyone should watch it and have a good laugh
especially the part where they were dancing (i was laughing mad at that)
but there's one touchy part too..during suze's wedding
xsangke aku hampir menangis menonton shopaholics. hahaha. mcm bodo je.
but i feel u babe.
shopping is a therapy. it really is.

i need a dose of my therapy too..


ty said...

dari dulu smpai skang xpenah berubah
kalo kena berbaju kurung je msti bermasalah..
ade je itu ini xkena

kama said...

bukan disengaja kn ok
mmg keadaan tidak mengizinkn diriku berbaju kurg selalu
what to do?