Monday, August 10, 2009

kisah tentang ketahuan


penatnye meng-edit post2 lame. and also, i've got tonnes of stories to tell (as if anyone would care to read. heh. sukatijiwaraga aku le). see if i've got the mood to type okies.

been very malas lately. i just want to berkebun and sleep. labwork? what thts? currently, i dont remember having tht word in my mental dictionary. and food. craving for yummylicious food. but apakah makanan yang lazat dan berbalaoi2 utk dimakan scr tamak? nothing came to mind.


tetibe i'm missing malar. come back faster malar. and lets go drink coffee till mabuk. then u can cook me (ape ko slalu masak ek?) .. hm, baked macaroni la. feel like eating hot creamy cheesy baked macaroni la plak. and yoplait peach mango yogurt. :'( i miss Victoria. and Max Bren.ner. and Lygon St.

oh rindu..

1 comment:

EdwarD FirdauS HaikaL said...

lawakla ko nie...tak yah edit2...